| Act4Africa is a Christian charity fighting HIV and AIDS through education. Your support is vital. Each £1 you raise for us can potentially save a life. Log on to our website today. |
 | Action For Brazil's Children helps street children in Brazil and would like your help to run a London 10K race to raise funds and give them a better future. Your contribution will provide food, shelter, education and inspiration to the most vulnerable children. For more info call Fatima on 0207 287 3818 or email fatima@abctrust.org.uk |
 | ActionAid is a unique partnership of people who are fighting for a World without poverty, in which every person can exercise their right to a life of dignity. Sign up to one of our many running events and help us run poverty into the ground! Call us on 020 7561 7555 or email: run@actionaid.org.uk |
 | Action Against Hunger - The International Run Against Hunger (Spring/Summer) invites UK schools to offer their pupils and staff the opportunity to participate in a sponsored fun run to help make a difference to the world's hungry. If you know of a school that may be interested, contact us to find out more. |
 | The Alzheimer's Society provides support for people with dementia, their families & carers. Use your own place in any running event to raise funds for the Society. Or apply for one of our guaranteed places. Log on to our website for further details. |
 | Action Medical Research Run for the UK's most forward thinking charity and help us to create a future free from disease and disability. We support you every step of the way. Call Susie Scrivener on 01403 327 440 |
 | AMREF, the African Medical and Research Foundation, is Africa s leading health development organisation. Support Africans working for African health and run for AMREF. For more information contact James on 020 7471 5587 or email j.purcell@amrefuk.org |
 | Andy Cole Children's Foundation We work with disadvantaged children around the world. This includes helping children affected by the Aids / Hiv pandemic sweeping through Africa. |
 | The Anthony Nolan Trust Run the London, New York or Berlin Marathon for us! Or the Great South, Great North Run or the Bupa 10,000. We have plenty to choose from. Sign up now and you will help us take back lives from Leukaemia. Contact us on running@anthonynolan.org.uk or call us on 020 7284 8284. |
 | Arthritis Research Campaign. For some people, even children, living with arthritis is like running a marathon every day. We'd love you to visit us now and help find a cure by running your run for arc. |
 | Beating Bowel Cancer is a national charity working to raise awareness of symptoms, promote early diagnosis and encourage open access to treatment choice for those affected by bowel cancer. We have secured 6 places for the BUPA Great South Run in October 2003. For more information call 020 8892 5256. |
 | Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice RACE4KIDZ Charity fun run at Don Valley Stadium, Sheffield on May 20th 2006. Kindly sponsored by Norwich Union Healthcare. Registration £10 adults, £5 under 11's - includes exclusive Race4Kidz T-shirt. Take part to raise funds for Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice. Call NOW on 0870 167 0738. |
 | British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering is the leading charity working on behalf of children separated from their birth parents. Take part in Flora Light Challenge for Women and help us provide valuable services for these children. |
 | Run for The Bobby Moore fund and help tackle bowel cancer! The charity funds vital bowel cancer research and increases awareness of the disease. Bowel cancer is the second largest cause of cancer death in the UK, with 45 people dying from it everyday. You can help by running 5km at our London event on 15th July or at our Manchester event on 3rd June. Visit our website and register for a run today! |
 | Run wild with Born Free, raising funds to protect and conserve animals in the wild! Born Free still has guaranteed spaces in our Great South Run Wild team on 26th October 2008!! Contact running@bornfree.org.uk for more information!! |
 | Bowel Cancer UK Established in 1987, Bowel Cancer UK is a leading charity dedicated to raising awareness of bowel cancer, improving the quality of life of those affected by the disease and ultimately reducing deaths from it. We have places for all the runs. For more information call 020 7381 9711. |
 | BIBIC Take part in the Great North Run for children with disabilities BIBIC British Institute for Brain Injured Children has places left for the world's biggest half marathon. Take up the challenge knowing that your efforts will have a real impact on the lives of some very special children. |
 | British Blind Sport provides sport and recreation for blind and partially sighted people. Run to help the many people who, without support, would be unable to enjoy the benefits that sport offers. We have places in the Flora London Marathon. Please call 01926 424247. |
 | British Red Cross We are hosting our 9th relay marathon in Devon this year on 16th September in the beautiful grounds of Powderham Castle. The British Red Cross helps vulnerable people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. Help us carry on with our invaluable work. Please call 0845 3315000 to take part. |
 | British Heart Foundation Helping to keep hearts pumping, the British Heart Foundation event the Southampton Sprint will take place on Wednesday 9 May 2007, run starting at 18.00 registration 17.00. This event takes a circular route around the common and covers 2 distances 3k & 6K. The jog is suitable for all abilities. |
 | British Thyroid Foundation We are a national charity providing support and information for thyroid sufferers. We currently have positions in the Loch Ness Marathon held Oct 2/05. You can contact our website www.btf-thyroid.org or call us at 01423709707 for further information, thanks. |
 | CAFOD is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, we have been fighting third world poverty since 1962. To run for us contact running@cafod.org.uk |
 | Calvert Trust The Calvert Trust's - 'Outdoor activities for people with disabilities'. Guaranteed places for the 2003 Flora London Marathon contact Charles or Polly on 020 8408 9800 |
 | Cancerbackup We want to reach everyone diagnosed with cancer at the right time, in a way that suits them. We have places for the Women's Hydro Active 5k and The Great North and South Runs, get involved and help us keep our services free. To register contact Hayley on 020 7920 7256 or hshort@cancerbackup.org. |
 | Running events - Cancer Research UK has a wide variety of running events to fit into your calendar. Whatever your experience and distance you can run and raise money for our vital research into cancer. |
 | Cardinal Hume Centre We have 30 places in the British 10k Run on 2nd July 2006. The Cardinal Hume Centre works with homeless young people, badly housed families, and migrant communities to access accommodation, support, advice, training, and education all on one site in central London. |
 | Cardiomyopathy Association (CMA) The Cardiomyopathy Association is the only UK charity involved in the fight against a heart muscle disease which kills 4 young people every week. If you would like to do something from the heart run for us. To get your free t-shirt and sponsorship forms call Freephone 0800 0181 024. And remember if you are running make sure that you are medically fit. |
 | Cats Protection is the largest feline charity in the UK helping 140,000 cats every year through our rehoming and neutering programmes. We have guaranteed places in a number of races and need your support! Please contact our Events Team on 01825 741 272 or email events@cats.org.uk |
 | Cerebral Palsy (C P) Sport improves the quality of life for thousands of disabled people by helping them to participate in sport. As well as improving physical fitness, sport improves self-confidence and provides a support network for people of all ages. |
The Chemical Dependency Centre provides care, advice and treatment services for people whose lives are affected by alcohol or drug dependency. Please support us by running the London Marathon and helping to save lives. Call Clare or Irene on 020 7351 0217 for information or email us at ClareH@thecdc.org.uk. |
 | Cheshire Youth Federation - We'll get U 2 the New York Marathon. All U need 2 do is raise £2,500 for Youth Federation & RUN! Youth Federation is a charity working across Cheshire, Halton, Warrington & Wirral. We support & deliver quality youth work through informal education, working in partnerships with young people. |
 | Children with Leukaemia Please support CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA in your next running event. We value every runner s contribution and we have put together a comprehensive runners training and support pack. Join the Mr Men and Little Miss Teamofr Children with Leukaemia |
 | ChildLine Scotland Run for ChildLine Scotland - the free helpline for children and young people. Call 0870 336 2912 for a free marathon pack. |
 | Crimestoppers The only charity helping to solve crimes. Crimestoppers is an independent UK-wide charity working to stop crime. Crimestoppers works for you, your family and your community. Call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. Just tell us what you know, not who you are. |
 | Join the CLIC Sargent running team and raise money for children with cancer. CLIC Sargent is the UK's leading childrens cancer charity. For full details of all our running events please click into our website. |
 | Run for Cystic Fibrosis Trust in the New York City, London and Tresco Marathons or any other running event. We guarantee you great support and great memories in return for supporting over 7,500 babies, children and young adults in the UK who have CF, the UK's most common life-threatening inherited disease. Help us to see off CF. |
 | The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund Take part in this wacky 7km run in London -Sunday 24th September or Edinburgh -Sunday 16th July and raise funds to save the world's last gorillas. Everyone who takes part runs in full gorilla costume which they keep afterwards! Call the Events Team on 020 7916 4974 or register online |
 | Defeating Deafness combine the euphoria of passing the finish line with the satisfaction that you have made a real difference to the future of people with hearing difficulties. Defeating Deafness, the UK's only national charity dedicated to helping hearing impaired people through medical research and education. |
 | Dogs Trust is the UK s largest dog welfare charity, and we are working towards the day when no healthy dog is destroyed. We receive no government funding and rely entirely upon our supporters - so please run for us! To find out more call us on 0207 837 0006 or e-mail fundraiseforus@dogstrust.org.uk. |
 | The Wessex Autistic Society The Domino Appeal is the Wessex Autistic Society's £1.2M fundraising campaign to complete the building of the UK's first, purpose built, school for children with autism in Christchurch, Dorset. The £4m project commenced building in October 2001 and the first phase is due for completion in November 2002. For more detail on the appeal, the new school project and autism please visit the appeal web site at www.thedominoappeal.com or contact the society's Community Fundraising & PR Officer Mike Denny on 01202 483360 |
 | Down's Syndrome Research Foundation Children with Down's Syndrome urgently need YOUR help. Please help our important research to find a cure. They can't ask for themselves so please give them your support. |
 | Dreams Come True Charity Please run your next event to help to make a dream come true for a terminally ill child. Dependent upon funds raised you could earn yourself a FREE running event tour package to a choice of destinations across the World. We also have places for this year's New York City Marathon. |
 | ECAS An Edinburgh based charity that provides classes, transport, social activities and grants for physically disabled people. Ecas includes and Access Fund and the Challenger Children's Fund that provide grants for equipment and holidays. |
 | Epilepsy Research Foundation supports basic and clinical research into the causes,control and prevention of epilepsy. Run for us and help fund more urgently needed research. Contact Shona Scott on 020 8995 4781 or email shona@erf.org.uk for further information. |
 | Find Your Feet is an overseas development charity dedicated to finding solutions to rural poverty in India and in southern Africa. By running for us you can help to transform the lives of some of the world's most vulnerable people and enable them to escape the poverty cycle. |
 | Forget Me Not Established 2005 to provide a comprehensive network of bereavement support services in Cornwall for bereaved parents, their families and friends who have been affected by the loss of a baby during pregnancy. Our aims - to provide our local maternity hospital with memory boxes, establish support groups countywide, give talks to community groups and health professionals, attend public events with display and information, provide training to all volunteers and make information readily available to people who attend support group meetings. We need funds to develop and maintain our organisation. Our Charity Registration No. is 1115056 |
 | Frishta School & Orphanage Run for Frishta (meaning: Angel) the Indian street children charity and help us by give these children a home, an education, hope and a future. We can supply T-Shirt & sponsorship forms. Call Nigel Studley on 0208 845 2735 or email info@frishta.org.uk for more information. |
 | Gables Farm Dogs' and Cats' Home As the oldest registered animal welfare charity in Plymouth, we have been helping unwanted or stray dogs and cats since 1907. This year our annual Gables Gallop (3km Fun Run and 8km Run) is taking place on 23 October at Saltram House. Contact us for more information. |
 | Get Kids Going! is a National Charity, which gives disabled children the wonderful opportunity of participating in sports. |
 | GOAL is an international humanitarian organisation which works to ensure that the poorest & most vulnerable in our world have access to food, water, shelter, medical care & education. The sports enthusiasts' charity, its patrons include Sonia O'Sullivan & Pat Cash, GOAL's UK President. |
 | Health Unlimited HELP VICTIMS OF CONFLICT AND DISCRIMINATION IMPROVE THEIR OWN HEALTH. We work on long term healthcare projects in Africa Asia and Latin America with indigenous people and vulnerable communities. For more information please contact our events team on 020 7840 3762/77 |
 | Help a London Child If you d like to help us hit our target of £300,000 for capital s kids, rub shoulders with the famous whilst have lots of fun - visit www.capital10k.co.uk or call 020 8782 3344. |
 | Help the Aged Whether you're a serious runner or a first timer, sign up for the popular Help the Aged Leeds Abbey Dash as soon as you can. For further information contact 020 7239 1925 or email events@helptheaged.org.uk |
 | Help the Hospices The UK Hospice Running Team has places in the New York City Marathon on 2nd November 2003 either to run for Help the Hospices or for your local hospice. The team is managed by former International athlete, Alistair Currie. Tel: 07836 645944 or e-mail newyork@run4hospices.org.uk for details. |
 | Hope for Children We assist handicapped, orphaned poor and exploited children in the UK & developing countries. Places are available in the Edinburgh Marathon (15th June) and a special sponsored walk in London on 8th June Big Feat for Little Feet - phone Simon on 0870 751 9861 for details |
 | IndependentAge helps older people on low incomes remain independent in their own homes, by providing financial help and friendship. We have 10 places to fill for the Hydro Active Women s Challenge 2006. If you would like to run on behalf of us then please call Rebecca Dallibar on 020 7605 4262. |
 | International Alert is a leading organisation working people in over 20 countries to build sustainable peace and bring and end to violent conflict. Run to support us and show that peace can be built! Call us on 020 7627 6863 to find out more. |
 | Jeans for Genes have guaranteed places for several running events taking place this year. The funds raised will help us to continue vital research into genetic disorders affecting children. For more information please call 020 78138103 or email events@jeansforgenes.com |
 | Kids Kidney Research We raise money for vital kidney research at the Institute of Child Health working with Great Ormond Street and also other paediatric renal units in the UK. Over 99% of money raised finances the research. Can you join us in this year's London 10k? We have places for the 2008 London Marathon. |
 | Leonard Cheshire Great runners, great races! Join us in the GREAT NORTH RUN, the NEW YORK CITY MARATHON, the GREAT SOUTH RUN and the HYDRO ACTIVE WOMEN'S CHALLENGE. Call us today on 0870 420 4301 or email events@lc-uk.org |
 | Leukaemia CARE Society is a national charity that provides CARE and support for those people who are affected by leukaemia and the other allied blood disorders. To run for Leukaemia CARE, please telephone 0870 7743667 or email events@leukaemiacare.org.uk. |
 | Leukaemia Research Join our winning team - the great BANANA ARMY! Last year the BANANA ARMY brought in an astonishing £1 million to help fund research into leukaemia, myeloma and lymphoma! Sign up for one of our events in 2005 and you may find yourself running alongside one of the many TV stars who run for us. |
 | Local Animal Welfare campaigns for food, shelter, freedom and respect for farmed and wild animals. Run for us and for the animals of this country. |
 | Justgiving For information on how to build your own FREE sponsorship webpage to help you raise funds faster so you can spend more time training. |
 | Kendal and South Lakes Shopmobility Local charity that provides electric scooters and wheelchairs to people with mobility problems of all kinds to enable them to independently access the shops and facilities in Kendal and the South Lakes. |
 | Macmillan Cancer Relief Join Team Macmillan for your marathon experience and help Macmillan Cancer Relief support people living with cancer. By joining Team Macmillan you'll be guaranteed an unrivalled level of support and a real sense of team spirit. Call us on 020 7840 7878 or email events@macmillan.org.uk |
 | Marie Curie Cancer Care provides high quality nursing care, totally free, to people with terminal cancer and other illnesses giving them the choice to die at home surrounded by their families. |
 | The Mary How Trust aims to spot the early signs of life-threatening illnesses through free health screenings. An independent charity, we receive no NHS funding. If you have a place in the London Marathon, please run for us and support our service! Call 08452-410956 or email contact@maryhowtrust.org |
 | Mencap supports thousands of people with a learning disability and their families and carers through services in housing, education, employment and leisure, and by fighting for key changes to laws and services. |
 | Run for Meningitis Research Foundation to help us get closer to our vision of a world free from meningitis and septicaemia. We have places in the London Marathon, the Great North, Great South and Great Manchester Runs and the British 10k. Call 01454 281814 for more information! |
 | Join The Meningitis Trust "All Stars" running team and help us to give emotional and practical life-long support to people affected by meningitis. For more information call 0845 120 4530, visit our website or email running@meningitis-trust.org. |
 | Mental Health Foundation 1 in 4 of us will this year face some kind of mental health problem. Join the Mental Health Foundation's team of 50 Golden Bond runners for 2002. Help us to improve the quality of life of those with mental health problems and learning disabilities and run against the stigma and discrimination still faced by so many. |
 | The Mission to Seafarers Run the British 10K London Run or the Lucozade Sport Hydro Active Women s Challenge and support The Mission to Seafarers, which works in ports all round the world caring for the practical and spiritual welfare of seafarers of all nationalities and faiths. |
 | Monkey Sanctuary Trust Help us protect primates in the UK and overseas and take advantage of this unique opportunity... We have 5 charity places for the Great North Run 2007 (half marathon) so contact us now and make sure you secure yours! |
 | MS Research Training and Education With your running help MS research and provision of information which takes place at the MS Research and Resources Unit in Bristol... and most of all help young people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis to look forward to a rosier future! |
 | Multiple Sclerosis Society MS Society - the Official Charity to the Flora London Marathon 2001. Join our Marathon Superstars Team and help to make every mile count. |
 | The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign is the only UK charity focusing on all muscular dystrophies and related muscle disease. Muscle disease can affect anyone of any age, race and background. More than 60,000 people in the UK have a muscle disease or related condition. There are no cures or treatments. |
 | Myasthenia Gravis Association - We have places for the London and New York marathons, Great North Run, London 10K. We are the only charity in the UK working to support sufferers of MG, raise awareness of the disease and fund research. Your support will be very much appreciated |
 | Myeloma UK Help support people affected by myeloma, an increasingly common cancer of the bone marrow. We have guaranteed places in the Berlin Marathon 28 September, Great North Run 5th October, New York Marathon 2nd November and many more runs. Contact our fundraising team for details - 0131 557 3332. |
 | NBCS provides a variety of services to blind and partially sighted children to help them achieve their educational and recreational goals.We have guaranteed places in all the usual runs & marathons and our minimum sponsorship levels are realistic & achievable! |
 | National Osteoporosis Society 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men in the UK will have osteoporosis over the age of 50. Join us at the Flora London Marathon, Bristol Half Marathon and the New York Marathon and challenge yourself and help those with osteoporosis face their challenge of everyday life. |
 | Nightingale We have guaranteed places available for the Flora London Marathon 2007. Please contact Elisa Cook at 020 8678 3495 ext 322. |
 | Northumberland Wildlife Trust Run the BUPA Great North Run and support conservation of wildlife in Newcastle and Northumberland and also provide opportunities for everyone to get involved. |
 | Notting Hill Housing aims to improve the lives of homeless, poorly housed and vulnerable people across London. We have places available in the BUPA 10,000K run on May the 26th. Contact Calvin on 020 8357 5181. |
 | One World Action works to create the power and opportunity for the poorest citizens to transform their own lives. If you would like to run the London Marathon, British 10K or Great North Run in 2006 for One World Action please call Krista 020 7833 4075 or email kjolly@oneworldaction.org |
 | There are in excess of 125 million physically disabled children in the world, the majority of whom have no access to healthcare. Run for Operation Frameworks, and raise money to provide reconstructive surgery for these children. Contact us for more information on how you might help. |
 | There are a lot of reasons to run with Oxfam. There s all the help and support you ll get, of course. Plenty of goodies, too. And there s also the difference you'll be making to the lives of vulnerable people around the world. |
 | Plan UK make a world of difference by running for Plan UK. We work with children and their communities in 45 of the world's poorest countries to improve their quality of life for generations to come. |
 | Quarriers have places on the Edinburgh Marathon, Glasgow Women's 10k, Glasgow Men's 10K, The Great Scottish Run and The Great Scottish Walk. We would love to have you as part of the Quarriers running team so please get in touch with us. |
 | Redress is a human rights organisation that helps torture survivors obtain justice and reparation. Help us rebuild lives and eradicate torture. Please call 020 7793 1777 or e-mail info@redress.org for more information |
 | Royal National Institute of Blind People Run any race for blind and partially sighted children and adults. We have guaranteed places and great support for all runners in any race, along with personalised quality running vests. |
 | Sargent Cancer Care for Children Our mission is to ensure that all children and young people with cancer and their families receive the social, emotional and practical help they need. Help us to achieve this goal by running for Sargent. Contact our Events Team on 0845 6024770. |
 | Saturn V Rebound Centre The Saturn V Rebound Centre is the country's only specialist learning disability trampolining club. |
 | SeeAbility We work with people who are visually impaired & have additional disabilities such as physical & learning disabilities, degenerative illnesses, brain injuries & mental health problems. Take up a challenge that helps other to overcome their challenges. |
 | Sense Run for Sense at many events in the UK and worldwide. We have GUARANTEED places for the Flora London Marathon 2006. Contact 020 7272 7858 |
 | Shaw Trust If you're looking for a London Marathon Golden Bond place - or have your own place - and want to support a charity that works to provide the resources and opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged people to engage more fully within society and realise their potential, please contact us. |
 | The Scottish Society for Autism We have places on all the major running events in Scotland, including the beautiful and historical Loch Ness and Edinburgh Marathons. Please help people with autism have the quality of life they deserve, join Team Autism for one of our events in 2004. Contact Lesley on 01259 720044 for details |
 | Shelter Scotland, the Scottish Campaign for Homeless People, believes that everyone should have the right to a decent, affordable home suitable to their needs. Shelter aims to end the misery of homelessness and campaigns to change the system that causes it. |
 | Spinal Research We have guaranteed places available for The Flora London Marathon, The British 10K Road Race and The Great North Run and we'd love you to be a part of our team! To join the Runners Network & help us win the fight against paralysis, call Jo on 01483 891 975 or email run@spinal-research.org |
 | Springboard for Children provides vital literacy support to disadvantaged children in inner city primary schools who struggle with the basics of reading and writing. Please contact us NOW to support a small but growing educational charity. |
 | Survival International, Run for the the lives of the Gana and Gwi "Bushmen" in the London Marathon and Triathlon - stuck on bleak government resettlement camps, they long to return home where their people have lived for 20,000 years. They need your help. Call Saskia 020 7687 8707. |
 | Sussex Housing & Care Help us raise £1 million run for us in the British 10k London run on July 2nd. We are a charitable housing organisation providing high quality, affordable homes and care for older people in Sussex. |
 | St. John Ambulance We would love you to run for us & be part of 'Team St John'. We have guaranteed entires in the Flora London Marathon, Great North Run & British 10K London. For further information please call Tara or Connie on 020 7324 4170 or e-mail us at events@nhq.sja.org.uk. |
 | St Nicholas Hospice, is the main provider of palliative care in West Suffolk and Thetford. Run the Flora London Marathon 2008 or any running event for us and you will help those less fortunate than you. For more info call: Wendy on 01284 715555 or email wendy.evans@stnh.org.uk |
 | Starfish Charity supports orphans and children left vulnerable by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Starfish has places for the British 10km and will support runners who wish to run for us in any other race. Please email run@starfishcharity.org for more information. |
 | The Actors Charitable Trust TACT has several Golden Bond places available for the London Marathon 2005. Please contact me to discuss further. |
 | The Ark Charity Based in Milton Keynes The Ark Charity operates to provide safe and supported 24/7 accommodation for 16 -18 year old care leavers and vulnerable young people in need of support and supervision to enable them to become reliable independent adults. They have nowhere else to go. |
 | The Blue Cross Run for Britain's pet charity and help find homes for thousands of unwanted and abandoned animals. |
 | The Children's Society BUPA Great North Run 2007 30 September worlds largest half marathon starting in Newcastle and ending in South Shields. Over 47,000 runners. We have 150 guaranteed places to fill. We also are looking to recruit people to run for us who have their own place in the ballot. |
 | The Children's Trust exists to offer appropriate care, treatment and education to children with exceptional needs and profound disabilities and to give support to their families. |
 | The Jessie May Trust provides nursing care at home for children with a terminal illness in Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos. Run for our new 'Precious Time Appeal' and make a real difference! |
 | Youth charity The Prince's Trust helps change young lives. Help us make a difference. We have 30 gold bond places available for the Bristol Half Marathon this year. Minimum sponsorship of £200. Contact Michelle Moran for more details michelle.moran@princes-trust.org.uk |
 | The Stroke Association Stroke is a devastating condition that affects 100,000 people a year without warning. It is the largest cause of long term disability and the third most common cause of premature death. |
 | The Thistle Foundation An Official Charity of the 2004 Edinburgh Marathon. Run with a guaranteed place (we also have relay places) or with a ballot place and raise money to help our dynamic, responsive and person centred organisation support disabled people to become full and active members of their community. |
 | Tibet Relief Fund of the UK supports Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal and Tibetans inside Tibet. Help raise funds to make a real difference to the future for Tibetans. Guaranteed places in the 2006 Great North Run and 2007 London Marathon. For more info call 020 7272 1414 or alli@tibetrelieffund.co.uk. |
 | Run for Tommy's and help save babies' lives. Tommy's, the baby charity, funds research into the causes and prevention of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth. Running with Tommy's Team you will receive training tips, enjoy an after race party and get plenty of fundraising advice. |
 | Traidcraft Exchange works to enable poor producers in Africa and Asia to grow their businesses, find markets and engage effectively in trade. We have charity places in a range of runs and provide a fundraising pack and team T-shirt. Email running@traidcraft.org.uk or call 0191 497 6488. |
 | Run the Flora London Marathon 2007 for Trinity Hospice - the oldest in the UK and your marathon effort will help those less fortunate than you. In return you get a total support programme plus fundraising materials. For info, call Suzie on 020 7787 1054 or email spearce@trinityhospice.org.uk. |
 | UNICEF UK We have guaranteed places in the Flora London Marathon and Central London s first Half Marathon The Royal Parks Half Marathon (Sunday October 12th 2008).Please contact us on 0870 606 3377 or email running@unicef.org.uk for more information on how to register. |
 | Run for WaterAid and help us in our mission to overcome poverty by enabling the world s poorest people gain access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education. It costs only £15 to give one person in the developing world access to these basic rights, so your support will really make a difference |
 | WDCS, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. Run in the Great South Run for WDCS, help support our vital work to protect whales and dolphins worldwide. For more information email events@wdcs.org or call us on (01249) 449500 |
 | White Lodge Centre are an independent local charity that is constantly exploring ways to provide services and expand possibilities for disabled children and adults. |
 | Run the London, New York, Chicago or Dublin Marathon for Whizz-Kidz. You will feel like a true superhero as you blast over Tower Bridge, zap past the Statue of Liberty or zoom through the Windy City and the money you raise will help change the life of a disabled child forever. |
 | World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF UK) A healthy diet is important. In the lead up to the big race it's essential. By keeping active and eating healthily you are already living our cancer prevention message. If you would like to run any event for World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF UK), contact us on running@wcrf.org or 020 7343 4200. |
 | YMCA England If you run the Flora London Marathon with Team YMCA you will benefit from our comprehensive training and support package. The money you raise will help us support thousands of homeless and disadvantaged young people. For further info call Lisa on 020 7242 2442 |
 | Youth Cancer Trust Do the ultimate fun run! Run the Great South Run in Portsmouth for the Youth Cancer Trust and help provide free fun-packed holidays for young people with cancer between 14 and 25 from all over the UK. Help give the chance to have some fun, feel normal and regain some independence |
 | Vitalise Experience the fantastic atmosphere of the Flora London Marathon! By choosing to run for Vitalise you will enable us to continue providing essential breaks for disabled people and their carers. For more info email events@vitalise.org.uk or call on 0845 345 1972 |
 | VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) VSO is an international development charity that works through volunteers. We have guaranteed places in the Flora London Marathon 2006. So why not join the VSO team and help raise funds to fighting global poverty and disadvantage. For more information email events@vso.org.uk or call on 020 8780 7241 |
 | Zöe's Place Baby Hospice is the only Baby Hospice in the UK to provide respite and palliative care for both babies with multiple special needs and those with life-limiting illnesses. This care is provided free of charge, so please Run for Zöe's and help us to continue our valuable work! |